Strawberry Vinaigrette

this is not the vinaigrette 😛 this is the salad that you’ll be smothering your vinaigrette on

LOLs at my photo! I’m sorry my Mac doesn’t hold any good strawberry photos.

Anyhow, that’s the salad I prepared for lunch with my BFFs at home and I want to share with you the recipes for some of the dishes I came up with. Let me start by sharing the recipe for a typical strawberry vinaigrette.

The first time I tried strawberry vinaigrette on salad was during a Valentine’s day dinner with hubby way way before at Goodies N Sweets. I really enjoyed it and vividly recall the taste each time. I tried ready-mixed strawberry vinaigrettes which I purchase from the grocery stores around but they’re no match. I copied recipes online, most of which have mustard and maple syrup, but while they were better than the ready-mixed ones, they still fall short of that exact vinaigrette I first tasted.

Now, here comes the recipe that I have always wanted. By trial and error, I came up with the right vinaigrette I have always wanted to make at home.

For the salad, I used some salad greens I got from a local supermarket. I added the following:

  • 1 small Granny apple
  • 1/2 cup seedless grapes, halved
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/4 cup caramel walnuts
  • Parmesan cheese

While I served four dressings, I actually only made one which is the strawberry vinaigrette.

  • 2 tbsp. strawberry jam or 1/2 cup pureed strawberries
  • 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • 3 tbps. olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • honey

Preparing the salad is very easy. It’s just a matter of joining the fruits and veggies together.

As for the dressing, I got a small clean bottle and dropped in the dressing ingredients. A little shake here and a little shake there, and it’s done. Just adjust the honey if you like it sweeter. I also made extra dressing because it’s so good I wanted to keep an extra bottle inside the fridge for some quick salad fix.

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